Dual-Purpose White Egg Layer

The Yellow House Farm looks like a great place to visit but I highly doubt I will be in NH any time soon. Too bad they don't ship

I guess I should get out the credit card and contact Sand Hill for some White Houdan's and White Dorking's for my white eggs and get some Buckeye's for the brown eggs. All 3 have short combs to help through the MN winters, will lay good amounts of eggs, and be good for meat.
If anyone will ever in the future or has already ordered Houdans from Sandhill and gotten decent birds, I'd love to hear about them. I have yet to trust Sandhill, but I'd love to imagine them being good at breeding. . . Only wishing though.
The Lamona was a dual perpose white egg layer created from leghorns, white rocks, and dorkings, but they are know extinc. There is know a recreated bantam Lamona.
yes! a fellow Minnesotan who understands what cold weather can do to combs! my solution is crosses between Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons(crossed with Ameraucanas to ad the pea comb, Light Brahmas, Wyandottes, or about anything hardy whith a pea or rose comb. my best succes is with Ameraucana crosses, you cant beat them for hardyness, i have some Ameraucana hens going on 3 years old and still laying.
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We have 10 hens about 5month's old. Yesterday was are first day for eggs we found 2 beautiful eggs, today we got 2 more. I believe just one for our girls are laying is it likely that one of our hens are laying 2 a day?

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