D'uccle breeders Database

I have found one local (to me in florida) millie fleur d'Uccle breeder. I have a rooster from his stock. However, I am wanting a couple hens from different stock. So that there is viable variety in the genetics. Here is a picture of my current/only rooster. Please excuse the poop board mess. He was in the middle of his morning crowing and standing nice and proud. So I had to snap a picture. His choice of places to crow just wasn't the best.

nice roo!!! I dont currrently have any for sale im sold out until the end of this year or beginning of next year. thanks and happy breeding!!!!
I lost my black molted d'uccle to a hawk..it was horrible. He was such an amazing defender to his flock. One girl hasn't laid an egg since and it's been almost 3 weeks. Would be very interested in eggs, chicks or young hens. I would love another black molted but could be interested in other lines.

PS So glad I found this thread. I, like many others, have been searching online without much luck. Here's to all the d'uccle lovers!

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