d'uccle color questions


10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
Lapeer, Michigan
Hello all! I was wondering if someone could help me with some genetics knowledge of d'uccles. I want to get as many color varieties as possible. I have already started my flock with the mille fleur variety this year. I also have a golden neck hen. thanks!
The Belgian d'Uccle &Booted Bantam Club says:
The first varieties of Belgian d’Uccles were the Mille Fleur, Porcelain, and White, but the Mille Fleur was the first variety entered into the American Poultry Association's Standards of Perfection in 1914. This was thirty-five years after the entrance of the Booted Bantam (a distinctly different breed from the Belgian d'Uccle). I mention this because sometimes the Booted Bantam and the Belgian d'Uccle are confused with one another.

Although the weights of the TWO BREEDS are the same ONE MUST always keep in mind that these are TWO DIFFERENT BREEDS and there are Major differences in the two Breeds. The Booted Bantam has no Beard, has Large Wattles, is Taller and has a "U" shape between the head / neck and tail. Because there is d'Anver blood in the d'Uccle bantams the d'Uccle is a shorter bird, has a broader breast, Bull neck, very, very small wattles (or none) and a "V" shape between the Head/neck and Tail.

This is how the d'Uccles were entered into the APA Standard of Perfection by year:
1914 Mille Fleur
1981 White
1965 Porcelain
1996 Black
1996 Golden Neck
1996 Self Blue
1996 Mottled
The American Bantam Association recognized these varieties above and also Blue, Buff, and Gray as early as 1985.

Other varieties that have been showing up in the show rooms are: Quail, Brown Red, Butterscotch, Blue Mille Fleur, Buff Columbian, Columbian, Red, Blue Red, Blue Red Mottled, Blue Mottled, and Silver Mille. Also Rose Comb d'Uccles have starting to show up in the show rooms in Mille Fleur and Mottled varieties so far, this is a new breed all its own and no standard has been submitted to date.​
Thanks for the information! I guess I was curious about which color varieties I would need to establish a variety of colors or if each color was only bred to itself to maintain purity. I have been reading alot about the lav gene and mottled d'uccles and am very curious how to obtain these types of colors!

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