Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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Me too. Oh my word! Is it really 1:21 P.M. here! I though it was 11 o'clock!
Ha! It's 3:29 here.. The day has gone by fast.

Hey, reading through the posts on the homeschooling thread I saw the posts about you not being able to fall asleep. Have you ever tried calm? On google if you look up, 'Peter Gillham calm' it will be the first site i'm sure. It's all natural and it's awesome! You can also take some B1, it helps with clearing your mind. My dad is a Chiropractor so I kind of know the vitamins and stuff to take :p
I agree. Slow.

Anybody know how to break a broody without putting her on wire? My crazy jap is obsessed with "hatching" eggs...
There are many different ways.. One way that I've seen is putting an ice pack underneath her and she'll get the idea if you're consistent with it.
Put one or two eggs in a bucket and put 1 to 2 in. of water and place her in the bucket for an hour (with your supervision). This will train her that she can't sit down on the eggs. I don't know if it works I just read it in a book.
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Hi amillecay! I feel like I haven't seen you on here in a while.
Hi! Probably because I haven't been on much haha. Right now, the internet is out at my house.. Something is wrong with the modem. Then I had this horse fair to go to and I got sick. It's been busy! Glad to be back though :)
I agree. Slow.

Anybody know how to break a broody without putting her on wire? My crazy jap is obsessed with "hatching" eggs...

I just let mine give up on their own. My Silkie wouldn't come it to eat, so I had to bring her to the food. My EE would eat, and run around for an hour or so. My Silkie went broody for about 4-5 weeks, and my EE for about 3. They finally started laying again two weeks ago!
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