Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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This chat has been dull for a while.. I think I'll spice it up with some archery shots I made yesterday!-( all at 20 yards)

I never thought we could fit this many arrows in a orange-

The fact that we did it twice was making me think that I'm good!-
Awesome! I'm hoping to get some broody hens this year. I got three last year, (only two hatched eggs) and two the year before. What breeds are your broody hens?
Dotti has either 8 or 9, And Didjety has 9. All mixed however there could be silkie/silkie/sebright cross chicks, silkie/polish, silkie chicks, silkie/sebright,silkie/brahma,silkie/ameraucana, and silkie/wyandotte chicks. It will mean that i may not know the breed until they are older though.
Dotti has either 8 or 9, And Didjety has 9. All mixed however there could be silkie/silkie/sebright cross chicks, silkie/polish, silkie chicks, silkie/sebright,silkie/brahma,silkie/ameraucana, and silkie/wyandotte chicks. It will mean that i may not know the breed until they are older though.
That's a nice variety! I have always wanted Silkies. My girls that I currently have aren't so nice to small chickens, so I can't have any bantams. I'd love to have some Silkies and d'Uccles some day. What color Silkies do you currently have?
This chat has been dull for a while.. I think I'll spice it up with some archery shots I made yesterday!-( all at 20 yards)

I never thought we could fit this many arrows in a orange-

The fact that we did it twice was making me think that I'm good!-

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