Duck adventures are over....


Runner Lover
8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Pinallas Park, Florida
For this point in time at least. My boys are going to their new home tonight and I know they will be much happier. Between the out break in raccoons, a 5 month old, and a full time job there is just no time any more but to let them out and feed them then come home and lock them up again. After things calm down I WILL be getting some again. Just not the right time now. Im gonna miss them
These boys are my very first 2 ducks I ever had.
For this point in time at least. My boys are going to their new home tonight and I know they will be much happier. Between the out break in raccoons, a 5 month old, and a full time job there is just no time any more but to let them out and feed them then come home and lock them up again. After things calm down I WILL be getting some again. Just not the right time now. Im gonna miss them
These boys are my very first 2 ducks I ever had.
Thanks everyone. I know I will. Just no longer the right time currently. But the plus is I still will get updates and pictures of my boys
BTW any one need any duck food? I just bought a bag the night before she took them so now I am stuck with it and no ducks lol.

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