Duck at Night


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2022
I have 1 duck that lives amongst 10 chickens. The duck has bonded with 1 of our silkies and they are best friends all throughout the day. Now that all of my chickens are trained to coop up at night, my duck will not even attempt going up the ramp for bed. Every night I have to coax her up the ramp into the coop. If I don’t she quacks and paces the run but does not seem to make the connection of going into the coop with the others. We are going out of town for a week and am very worried that she will be super stressed at night alone. She has shelter and a kennel she can go in at night but she seems to miss her friend. Will she be ok for the week if she doesn’t coop up with the flock?
Hello, and welcome to BYC!

Unlike chickens ducks like to stay up and party the night away. If she hasn't learned to use the ramp on her own by now, she probably won't use it while your gone. I'd lock her up separately unless you have someone coming to chick-sit that can help her use the ramp.

Two questions. How steep of an incline is the ramp? And have you though about getting your duck a friend?
She will be inside the chicken run which also has the dog crate still inside from when I was introducing her and the chicks to the older flock.

The incline is not too steep but I did consider that she might be hesitant bc of the incline.

We originally had her a friend and then she died suddenly. 😓 I wasn’t sure if her bond with the chick was enough or if I should consider getting another duck.
She will be inside the chicken run which also has the dog crate still inside from when I was introducing her and the chicks to the older flock.

The incline is not too steep but I did consider that she might be hesitant bc of the incline.

We originally had her a friend and then she died suddenly. 😓 I wasn’t sure if her bond with the chick was enough or if I should consider getting another duck.
I'd get her another duckie friend or two. As much as she likes the chickens, ducks do best in the company of other ducks.

If the kennel is in the run, she'll be fine not to be put to bed for a week.

Have fun on your trip!
I'd get her another duckie friend or two. As much as she likes the chickens, ducks do best in the company of other ducks.

If the kennel is in the run, she'll be fine not to be put to bed for a week.

Have fun on your trip!
I will call around and see if I can get her a friend for when we return. 🥰
I have been stressed about her emotional state at night. I am sure she will be fine after the first night or so.
I appreciate it!!
I have been stressed about her emotional state at night. I am sure she will be fine after the first night or so.

Oh yeah, I imagine one of my girls would throw an absolute fit if she got left out alone. I would probably try leaving her out a night or two before you leave so you can see first-hand how she handles it. Is she going to be safe from any predator her quacking might attract?

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