Duck ate engagement ring


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
Long story short one of our two female khaki Campbell's ate my engagement ring. How long should I expect it to take to pass through or will it damage the ring to let it pass? They are free range. I have one in a dog crate now and am having trouble catching the other. Tia
It may be too big to pass through. I'd catch them both quickly incase it does pass through though, ducks poop alot.
Im now unsure if they ate it. Would they try to eat something like that? I have a fairly small finger so Idk... Kinda sick right now. Don't want to put down my ducks n a maybe but don't want to lose my ring
Well long story short ring is/was in backyard somewhere. We've been looking for it but haven't found it. Lost about 24 hrs ago.he said he thought he saw them eating something shiney and later said he was poking me because iblost the ring. It's white gold, with quite a few diamonds. It didn't occur to me that they would eat it until he said something, so I looked it up and apparently they love shiney things. Now I just don't know. :( I want my ring back desperately
Lozuufy that's a great idea!! I have been trying to borrow one to check the back yard but I never thought to check the ducks with it. Great idea.
My guess is they didn't actually eat it if you didn't see them eat it.

Maybe my ducks are just weird (I know they are), but while they do pick everything up, they spit it out if it isn't actually food
TLWR thank you for that encouragement!!! I'm trying to locate a metal detector to borrow. I didn't think anything of it until he teased me that they were eating it. But I googled before posting and it sounds like ducks love shiny things?

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