Duck behavior


9 Years
Apr 19, 2014
I'm fairly new to keeping ducks. I got a group early spring and my female is laying. She lays her eggs with the chickens and then leaves the house and goes about her day. The drakes then go in the house and chase the chickens out and I found my Pekin drake sitting on a nest. Are they protecting the eggs? Is this a common thing? Lol
Also my male to female ratio is off so I have a few new girls (4 wks old), any tips on integrating them with the older ducks. The drakes are VERY interested in them (through a fence). The littles don't seem scared of them. They are bill to bill through the fence. Seems friendly so far.. ..
Thanks for any input
Your new ducks are too young for mating they need to be laying age before introduced to your drakes with out fencing unless your out and can keep mating from happening. Female ducks just because they lay doesn’t mean they are going to be interested in their eggs. Not all breeds go broody. I have heard of drake sitting on eggs before but never have seen it with any drakes I’ve had although they are curious and will go in a push the eggs around some. Not sure why a drake would want to sit on eggs. Is it for just a few minutes or long time?
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My drake protects his ladies, which includes protecting their food, their water, and their nests. He tries to chase off the chickens if they get close and sometimes the ducks do take over the chicken house and chase the chickens away during the day. It all generally gets sorted by bed time and the chickens go to roost in their own coop and the ducks go to bed in their own pen. I provide at least two water areas two food areas and two separate nesting/housing areas so that if someone is being protective (or broody) there are other options for eating, drinking, and laying for the rest of the flock.
Your new ducks are too young for mating they need to be laying age before introduced to your drakes with out fencing unless your out and can keep mating from happening. Female ducks just because they lay doesn’t mean they are going to be interested in their eggs. Not all breeds go broody. I have heard of drake sitting on eggs before but never have seen it with any drakes I’ve had although they are curious and will go in a push the eggs around some. Not sure why a drake would want to sit on eggs. Is it for just a few minutes or long time?
That's what I was thinking about the littles, thanks. I'll keep them separate for a while.
As for the drake sitting on the nest, not very long. They stay for about an hour or so unless I run them out.
My drake protects his ladies, which includes protecting their food, their water, and their nests. He tries to chase off the chickens if they get close and sometimes the ducks do take over the chicken house and chase the chickens away during the day. It all generally gets sorted by bed time and the chickens go to roost in their own coop and the ducks go to bed in their own pen. I provide at least two water areas two food areas and two separate nesting/housing areas so that if someone is being protective (or broody) there are other options for eating, drinking, and laying for the rest of the flock.
Yes I have noticed this. Lol. I have 3 water and feed stations. This helps a lot. The ducks sleep with the chickens and it's working well but I am thinking about another nesting location.. ...
My drake also was interested in the eggs and last year I did notice he would be sitting on a nest of eggs occasionally when I would let them out and gather the eggs. He would go on out too but he was the one sitting on them. I thought that was strange too. It would be funny to see a drake hatch a clutch wouldn't it? He doesn' t seem to care much anymore, maybe since there are 3 more girls around this year. idk. Have fun with your ducks!

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