Duck bloated! Won’t walk- Need help

You have to get the infection out. If you just treated the outside it won't help. The infection will spread and eventually get into the bloodstream.
its a pain in the butt to treat but has to be done.
The bumblefoot I am familiar with but the bloating I am not. I have had 2 chicken hens with ascites but never a duck and their bellies were squishy, not hard.

Let's see if @Isaac 0 is on.

For bumble, I soak for as many days as it takes to get the scab where I can easily peel it off without tearing good skin then I work on getting the infection out sometimes it comes out all at once with using a pair of sterile tweezers other times I have had to pick it out. Main thing is making sure it's all out then packing the hole with antibiotic salve and wrapping then checking every other day to make sure the infection is not forming again. Once your sure its all out let it stay wrapped till the skin has scabbed over. For soaking, you can use Epsom salt in the warm water just don't let her drink it because it's also a laxative.

For the bloating or whatever is going on. I hope some of these members I have tagged can help.
Any chance of getting her to a vet?
How do I let her soak in the water without her drinking her it?
Take a 1 gal bucket filled with warm water so the Epsom Salt will mix well I use a good 2 cups of ES once mixed I put both of the legs in the bucket and hold onto the duck for as long as I can at least 5-10 mins. They can't very well get their heads down to drink the water with their bodies in the way, I have also taken a towel and placed around the top of the bucket to keep them from sipping. It's alot easier putting both feet in the bucket than trying just one.

the reason we rec an antibiotic salve for packing is because having the foot wrapped keeps the foot clean and helps keep the salve in place.

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