Duck bloated! Won’t walk- Need help



9 Years
Nov 20, 2014
My duck coop
I have a Khaki Campbell duck who I noticed wasn’t walking right. I picked her up and her belly was extremely bloated. She also had a big lump on her left side. I’ve never see this before and I have no idea what’s happening or what to do. One of the toes on her right foot is also swollen.

she is mostly just laying around in the grass. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Her stomach is not swishy like water, it’s hard as a rock.
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Yes but remember it may take several soaks before you can peel off the scab. Once you get the scab off squeezing might not work since duck pus is thick you should have a pair of sterile tweezers ready because you may have to pick it out. Once you get the scab off let us know what you see. With my chickens, I can usually pick the bumble out ,with my duck I had to cut with a scaple since there wasn't a scab.
Could be a tumor or even if she popped she may still be egg bound. Or have Egg peritonitis which is an infection. Any chance of a vet? they can do Xrays to determine.
Some really good pictures of her belly and side would help.
Could she also have bumble foot or an injury that has caused the swelling of her toe?
The bumblefoot I am familiar with but the bloating I am not. I have had 2 chicken hens with ascites but never a duck and their bellies were squishy, not hard.

Let's see if @Isaac 0 is on.

For bumble, I soak for as many days as it takes to get the scab where I can easily peel it off without tearing good skin then I work on getting the infection out sometimes it comes out all at once with using a pair of sterile tweezers other times I have had to pick it out. Main thing is making sure it's all out then packing the hole with antibiotic salve and wrapping then checking every other day to make sure the infection is not forming again. Once your sure its all out let it stay wrapped till the skin has scabbed over. For soaking, you can use Epsom salt in the warm water just don't let her drink it because it's also a laxative.

For the bloating or whatever is going on. I hope some of these members I have tagged can help.
Any chance of getting her to a vet?
In my experience with ducks, the two most prominent causes of hard-like abdominal distention are egg binding and salpingitis. Given her age, I would find the latter to be less likely since it is a reproductive disorder that tends to develop as the bird is in its older years. Abdominal distention due to a reproductive disorder or tumor isn't likely to occur in such a short period either.

Depending on how far the potential egg is in the oviduct tract, it may or may not restrict fecal matter from flowing. If you cannot take her to a vet, I would probably suggest keeping her in a warm, quiet area for now, and consider administering a calcium supplement to help induce passage of the possible egg. Try to keep her hydrated, by offering her electrolytes often throughout the day.
I hope you see improvement soon.
The rooster booster won't help with egg bound.
The Theraycin wound spray is quite a bit less expensive than the Veterycin not sure if one is better than the other.
Once you get the cal glu do you know how to give it orally?

The rooster booster won't help with egg bound.
The Theraycin wound spray is quite a bit less expensive than the Veterycin not sure if one is better than the other.
Once you get the cal glu do you know how to give it orally?

is this what I want from TSC? And this will help her if she has egg bounding?
Her foot actually looks a little better this morning. It’s not as red on the bottom. I think the bath and clean, quiet, environment helped. Her belly is still the same
Yes that is it.

Glad to hear her foot looks better. I just always heard that unless you can get that open and get that infection out it won't heal. I took my only duck and I have 15 to the vet a few years ago because she had a pretty good size lump come up on the bottom of her foot. no scab so I wasn't sure how to work with it. She confirmed it was bumble put her on an antibiotic and pain relief sent us home. On day 7 of her meds nothing had changed so with my dh helps he held her I used a scaple and opened this skin up just enough to pop that kernel out of there. She never acted like she was in pain just laid there calmly. After i got the kernel out it was hard. I packed the hole put non stick gauze on the opening and wrapped with vet wrap to hold it on then put the duck shoe on. She healed fine. Only problem I had was keeping her foot dry and clean. Sometimes you have to be your own vet.
I've removed bumble from my chickens before but that was my first duck.
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Give her the Calcium Gluconate if its egg bound it should help. Water belly or Ascites is very soft and squishy belly fills like liquid in there I have an old EE hen who has it. The Cal Glu will not hurt her.
Bless her heart she has to be uncomfortable.

There is a scab on the bottom of her foot right? have you felt it? meaning usually you can take your fingernail after some soakings and try and lift the scab up. If it comes up pretty easily then take it off and post pics of what you see after you get the scab off.
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