Duck bloated! Won’t walk- Need help

The rooster booster won't help with egg bound.
The Theraycin wound spray is quite a bit less expensive than the Veterycin not sure if one is better than the other.
Once you get the cal glu do you know how to give it orally?

The rooster booster won't help with egg bound.
The Theraycin wound spray is quite a bit less expensive than the Veterycin not sure if one is better than the other.
Once you get the cal glu do you know how to give it orally?

is this what I want from TSC? And this will help her if she has egg bounding?
Her foot actually looks a little better this morning. It’s not as red on the bottom. I think the bath and clean, quiet, environment helped. Her belly is still the same
Yes that is it.

Glad to hear her foot looks better. I just always heard that unless you can get that open and get that infection out it won't heal. I took my only duck and I have 15 to the vet a few years ago because she had a pretty good size lump come up on the bottom of her foot. no scab so I wasn't sure how to work with it. She confirmed it was bumble put her on an antibiotic and pain relief sent us home. On day 7 of her meds nothing had changed so with my dh helps he held her I used a scaple and opened this skin up just enough to pop that kernel out of there. She never acted like she was in pain just laid there calmly. After i got the kernel out it was hard. I packed the hole put non stick gauze on the opening and wrapped with vet wrap to hold it on then put the duck shoe on. She healed fine. Only problem I had was keeping her foot dry and clean. Sometimes you have to be your own vet.
I've removed bumble from my chickens before but that was my first duck.
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Yes, a hard egg in the oviduct will feel hard to the touch.
The lower part near the end is soft and squishy. The upper abdomen is completely bloated and tight. How do I know if it’s ascites or egg bound? Unfortunately I can’t find a vet yet and don’t know what to do for her
It’s very hard and tight for most of the belly only at the tail end is it soft and squishy
then eather a large water belly or egg bind, im not a expert but this is what water belly looks like in a duck,
*warning not my pic*
Screenshot 2021-06-11 1.49.05 PM.png

*warning not my pic*

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