Duck booties


Aug 5, 2018
We rescued a large speaking with severe bumblefoot. We are looking for preventive measures. It cost $700 to have a bumper put treated. I'm open to any suggestions and wondering if duck booties will work.
Do you have a picture of the bumblefoot?
Duck shoes can help, but will not treat the issue alone. If we are dealing with a severe case of bumblefoot, I would suspect the bird would need antibiotics, and tissue debridement done to eliminate the problem totally.
Although not preferred, this can be done at home if you are comfortable doing so.
Pekins are extremely susceptible to bumblefoot due to weight, therefore, clean and soft housing quarters are needed to prevent further issues down the road after treatment.
Do you have a picture of the bumblefoot?
Duck shoes can help, but will not treat the issue alone. If we are dealing with a severe case of bumblefoot, I would suspect the bird would need antibiotics, and tissue debridement done to eliminate the problem totally.
Although not preferred, this can be done at home if you are comfortable doing so.
Pekins are extremely susceptible to bumblefoot due to weight, therefore, clean and soft housing quarters are needed to prevent further issues down the road after treatment.

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