duck breed 'purification"?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
I am not really sure what the term would be, but here is the situation. My flock has all been running together, but now that breeding season has arrived, I have separated everyone out by breed. Is there a waiting period between when a flock goes from a free love situation before the eggs will be purebred after separation. I remember something about storing spermatophores and the process in which an egg become fertilized from Biology classes long ago, but can't remember how long all that takes.
Thanks, I was afraid of that. Patience.....patience....
Why not try a batch of mixed ducklings? I love the surprise element--I usually only mix colors within a breed, but breed "mutts" can be utterly adorable. It'll give you a quick fix while you wait for your "pures." Have fun, anyway!
I have thought of that. Runners crossed with Saxony? Standard Silver Appleyard crossed with Runners and Khaki? I am just not positive there is a market for these ducklings, hmmmm...
Ah-ha! iamacuriositycat, I see that you are from Charlotte, perhaps I will go ahead with the mutts and bring the leftover's to you next time I am in town, lol. What colors of runners do you have- we are getting in to breeding them, we might need to keep in touch for introducing new bloodlines.
Oh, great, just what I need! More mutts to feed, ha ha! I bet you won't have trouble finding them homes, although you may not get much for them. You could offer them as a "bargain cuteness assortment" for $2 each or something. My Runners are fawn & white, black, blue, and several mixed-up colors that are very pretty but totally non-standard. I do rather like mutts.
Where are you located? And do you want my extra drakes? I'll trade ya purebred Runner drakes for your mixed-breed hens!
I would rather like to keep in touch--I've thought about raising Appleyards at some point, but I'm already getting into magpies this summer (and eventually I'm going to be cross-breeding, so I may have some mutts to trade for your mutts, what fun!). We really should see about doing some trades along the way, in all seriousness. My email address is heather at careyhead dot net if you want to get in touch in person.
I am in Asheville, my Mom lives in Charlotte. I do see some duck trades in the future...! Looks like i need to get another incubator, so I can start the mutts, then start the purebreds- how long does the breeding season last?
Hi Andrea--Sorry, I've been off the forums for a few days. Breeding season lasts as long as your ducks are laying. Probably well into September, maybe even October, although it may be different for you since the weather gets colder faster up there. Shoot me an email so we can arrange trades! My email address is heather at careyhead dot net (take out the spaces, trade "at" and "dot" for symbols). Remind me about this conversation, because I'm extremely absent-minded! lol

"Talk" to you soon--

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