Duck communications


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
("Big") Hazel Green, AL
Does anyone know what tail shaking means?

And what about heading bobbing (female in this case)?

Little squeaky noises?

Tail shaking-wow, that feels good, I'm happy.
Head bobbing-this is my man stay away.
Little squeaky noises-I'm thinking about going broody.
Thank you, SL, that helps!

A couple of days ago, Daffodil was evidently distraught. Lots of head-bobbing and quacking. A couple of hours later, we found a neighbor's adolescent bird-dog was roaming the property. I am hoping the head-bobbing was because of the dog and not me.
As a side note, our 8yo dog chased off the other dog and ended up rupturing her ACL in the process. She's protective of everyone, including the duck. Now she will have to have surgery this week and I am worried.

Here's another question for most ducks like to be petted or not? I'm sure it's an individual duck issue, but... in general? I can't tell if it's irritating her or she likes it.
With my runners, before they became full-fledged adolescents and rather standoffish, of the eleven, there were three or four who seemed to like their sides being stroked. Two seemed to enjoy any pets - sides, back of the neck, top of the nead, top of the tail. The rest just walked away when I touched them.

Tail wagging seems to be a happy signal with mine. Haven't seen head-bobbing yet - they are only seven weeks old.

With the runners, they also have a stand-up-straight, quack loudly greeting that roughly seems to translate to, "what goodies did you bring us?"

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