Duck Coop Sizing


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Peterborough, ON
This could really be in either the main Coops section or this one IMO, but I won't be offended if the Mods decide to move it

I need to build a new coop for the duckies this year, one with wheels, that I can wheel around the property and up to the house in the winter so we can hook it up to power by the back porch for a heated water bowl.

I was looking at the Modified Purina Mills coop, and I love the design. I'd take out the roosts and probably get rid of the nest box and just put in a small plastic box in with straw in it for nesting.

Coop will accomodate 5 Buff Orpington Ducks


Must be VERY easy to clean

Easy to move with wheels attached

Would a 4x4 coop be big enough for 5 ducks that freerange all summer long and winter long? Seriously, I have 3 ducks right now and we're adding 2 more in the summer but my 3 are free ranging as I write this, on 1ft of snow.
that what you were looking at?
I'd be careful putting it up off the ground by much because ducks stink at using ramps. Otherwise it's just a simple slant roof box.
Should work fine, but might be heavy.

In my portable coop I used 2x2 for the frame to keep it light...I have some pics at the bottom of this page.
You can increase the floor space if you like for more bigger ducks. I would suggest keeping it narrower in one way rather than square just in case you need to pull it through gates or transport it. I move mine around the pasture so they have new grass and less mud.
The top opens up so I just push all the bedding out the pop door with a flat shovel. Very easy, no crawling in duck poo! Put a few coats of exterior oil based paint on the inside walls and old linoleum on the floor and you're set.
I'm not concerned about the ramp, it'll probably be a foot off the ground. My 3 girls right now have a coop that is almost 2ft off the ground and sucked at the ramp at first, but now they're old pros lol. I liked how easy the modified purina mills was to build. I think I'd use 2x6 rather than 2x4 with our winters, and frame in between the 4x4's with 2x3's for extra stability but it looks like it'd fit the bill (HA HA) for us. I'm just really concerned about the space per duck, is 3.5 feet enough? They free range all year round most of the day.

I really like your coop! Ours needs to be high enough up so it doesn't get stuck on or buried in the snow here. It'd likely have a handle like a wagon would for moving it around.
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