Duck disappeared- help!

We have 2 Roans, & 2 Pekin runners. They free range together, they are never apart. They hang around with my husband when he's splitting wood or working out in the yard, he changes their pool water every day, they frolic & do what ducks do. The white Pekin are quite large & heavy. I am so heart broken as the 2 Pekin pair just disappeared! 2 days ago. Yesterday the male Roan & his mate were circling our wood shed looking for them. We have looked all over the woods, my husband said they could have built a nest in the woods. They would be too heavy for any hawks around here to simply carry away. I am pretty distraught over this right now! The roans do not seem to be in shock, but dismayed as their buddies are missing. We have not heard any coyotes. Where could they be? What could have taken both of them? During that day hubby was with me in the house, the air conditioning was running, so we couldn't hear anything. In the span of a half hour what could have taken 2 heavy ducks? NO sign of struggle, zero. I am losing hope they're still alive. So sad...
:welcome :frow Could have been a fox, bobcat or coyote. Not knowing where you live, not sure of what predators are in your area. My suggestion is always if you have a game camera put it up. Most likely if there is a predator, it has been lurking looking for an opportunity and may have found one and if it did make a kill, it will be back. Maybe the ducks will be back. Good luck...

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