duck eating its poo


Mar 14, 2023
my peking duck has recently started eating her own poo, this is quite gross and i would appreciate any ideas to prevent her from doing this. she is definatly fed well and gets all her niacin, ext. i juat got a new duckling and i really do not want it picking this behavior up. PLEAAE???? ANY SUGGESTIONS??????
It’s not normal behaviour
This leads me to think she is lacking in something in her diet
What feed does she get ?
What kind of treats and how often ?
How old is she ?
Is she egg laying yet and if so do you provide crushed oyster shells for calcium ?
When you say she gets niacin what do you give and how much
what does she live in ? Brooder or coop ? Does she have outdoor time ?
Does she have access to water deep enough to dunk her head
Any info you can tell us may help us to help you
my peking duck has recently started eating her own poo, this is quite gross and i would appreciate any ideas to prevent her from doing this. she is definatly fed well and gets all her niacin, ext. i juat got a new duckling and i really do not want it picking this behavior up. PLEAAE???? ANY SUGGESTIONS??????
This isn't a behaviour they can "pick up". I wouldnt be able to persuade my girls to do this, they hate the taste of their own poop.
Your question should be "why is she doing this?" Opposed to "how can I prevent it"
As there's likely an underlying cause. I agree with the above posts on it possibly being some kind of deficiency.
My girls do not do this, if they accidently get a mouthful of poop, they are as disgusted as I am when I see this, they shake their heads and go rinse their mouth out. Definitely isn't normal for her to be eating it

What does your duck eat? What is the main food, any treats?
Does she have access to grit?

I'm just thinking that if she doesn't have grit, she may be passing pieces of undigested treats, that she may try and eat.

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