Duck egg found - advice needed please.


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2018
Hi all,
I'm Liz, and new to the forum.
We live in the UK, and have a large lake by our house. 2-days ago, when on our daily walk around the lake, I saw an egg just sitting on the grass, obvious as anything. I've never seen any eggs near the lake, other than the swan and coot ones briefly, so it seemed odd it was just sat there. There's not a mark on it; no cracks, damage etc. The grass section is quite narrow, and has pathways beside it. There are tons of ducks etc on the lake, and some were wandering/pecking around the grass, but nothing near the egg. Not sure what to do, and worried about the bad kids that sometimes hang around there, I wondered if I could find a nest close by, but seeing nothing, and also wondering if this was the right this to do in case I did find one and upset a duck, I popped the egg (duck I believe) in my glove and inside my coat and brought it home. The temperature at that time was about 12-degrees (53f).
I gently started to warm the egg on a heating mat, and started reading what to do!
I have made a make-shift incubator with a thermometer in, a bowl of water, a makeshift nest to keep the egg the right way (pointy side down) and have a lamp on the box to keep the temperature at the 37 degrees C (99 degrees f) The temperature seems very stable, and I'm using a combination of a heat mat and lamp. I spritz the paper towel I have lining the edges to hopefully aid with humidity. I've also been gently turning the egg 5 or 7 times a day.
So, I'm wondering, what is the best thing to do? Am I doing the right things, and what are the chances for this egg?
I have tried 'candling' the egg, and see an obvious red area, the air sac etc.
I'd just appreciate any advice on if what I'm doing it right, or if I'm wasting my time being hopeful?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Duck Egg 2.jpg Duck Egg 1.jpg Duck Egg 1.jpg
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