Duck eggs causing me stomach pain?


The above pic is what I used to relieve the pain.
I am so thankful to see I am not the only one who experiences this. Our Pekin sucks just started laying and I was so excited to have eggs but I get so sick. The first time just stomach pain, then it got worse and now I vomit for hours straight. My husband can eat them no problem but not me. I can't even bake with them anymore. Makes me sad but I thought I had something seriously wrong with me. Now I know... Thank you everybody who posted. I don't feel crazy anymore!
I am so thankful to see I am not the only one who experiences this. Our Pekin sucks just started laying and I was so excited to have eggs but I get so sick. The first time just stomach pain, then it got worse and now I vomit for hours straight. My husband can eat them no problem but not me. I can't even bake with them anymore. Makes me sad but I thought I had something seriously wrong with me. Now I know... Thank you everybody who posted. I don't feel crazy anymore!
@cmagaldino That's too bad most people who can't eat chicken eggs can get duck eggs, can you eat chicken eggs okay with out pain?

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Just to add to this, I had this problem for about 8 months. I slowly introduced eggs again by eating fried rice with a bit of egg, then a pastry etc until one day I tried them again and was fine! I still don't eat duck eggs but can enjoy chicken eggs again. Hope you can try eggs again soon!!
I can't eat duck eggs either. Be careful, the more you eat them the worse the reaction will be every time. Mine went from stomach pain to vomiting and swollen eyes. Haven't eaten one since. I am developing an intolerance to chicken eggs too.
However, I have read that a gluten or other serious intolerance will make you more sensitive to difficult to digest foods. It might be worth getting an allergy test done. I think that's what I'll being doing after the first of the year.

What she said......exactly what she said.
Just to add to this, I had this problem for about 8 months. I slowly introduced eggs again by eating fried rice with a bit of egg, then a pastry etc until one day I tried them again and was fine! I still don't eat duck eggs but can enjoy chicken eggs again. Hope you can try eggs again soon!!
I'M SO GLAD i found this thread. This is my first year with ducks. I also thought I was nuts. Thought I was a psychosomatic mess, Thought my husband was being a pansy, Thought I had developed an allergy, Refused to believe it was my precious duck eggs causing the problem.
After eating my new ducks eggs all spring, I suddenly started getting stomach aches after eating them in the summer. My husband did too. So I stopped eating duck eggs, bought some backyard chicken eggs from a friend for a month and was fine.
I slowly started re introducing duck eggs. I can eat them now, in moderation. Too many is still not a good thing. I will have to stock up on the Gas-X...just in case ;-) Im so glad I can eat them again. My husband however, has not had a fried duck egg since his reaction. He is not a big egg fan anyway but he was pretty sick too. It does not make a person want to try again. I have made him french toast, pancakes, waffles, and other baked goods with the eggs in it and he has not complained.
Someone asked earlier in this thread if the reaction is the same if you eat the meat. I have not had any negative reaction to the meat, nor has my husband. We have eaten 4 ducks in the last year.
I have one defrosting as we speak, Orange duck for dinner ;-)
I have this problem with chicken and duck eggs but only if they eat feed with soy in it. So i have to super careful that the farmer I buy my chicken eggs from doesn't feed soy. I'm not buying duck eggs again so my girls better get to layin! ;)

PS- I had my gall bladder removed due to stones. If you still have your gall bladder and the eggs cause stomach pain/issues without typical allergic reaction symptoms (hives, itchy eyes tc.) it may be time to visit a Dr. for evaluation.

My pain presented like kidney stones. I was sent for an ultrasound for kidney stones and when that scan was clear a scan of gall bladder was ordered. THat's when they found the stone in it.
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Great "heads up" on the gall bladder thing. Scary! but good info. I avoid Dr. to the point of neglect. I jammed my thumb last spring in the duck coop. It still hurts like crazy, it even wakes me up, some nights. But I find excuses not to have it looked at. Im getting older and really need to change my attitude. I did finally go in for a basic physical this spring for the first time in about 10 years, but Im at the age that I should be having certain tests done yearly and I havent had one yet. I better go find Doc's number.
This freaked me out for a while because I started with ducks specifically because I love their eggs but I'd like to know if these are mallard ducks or muscovies (I have muscovies) and whether or not that makes a difference.

Also, do people wash the eggs before using them?

I was worried about developing an allergy if this is something that occurs commonly, but I've eaten duck eggs throughout my life without a problem--however, they were always salted and preserved that way. I wonder if someone could prepare them salted and see if they still have the reaction, or go to the Asian supermarket and get one of the salted ones and try a bit to see if it still happens. If it does, then I think maybe allergies, if not, then it's something about how it's prepared or the specific ducks they have. (The salted ones are extremely salty, meant as something to be paired with bland rice or a little crumbled sautéed with veggies.)

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