Duck Eggs Pipped, 26+ hours, They can't move!

Griffin Nest

13 Years
Aug 7, 2010
Hi!!! It's day 26 for my duck eggs and they began to pip yesterday, all day there was no progress. I saw that one of them can't move at all and chipped away at the shell, keeping the membrane in tact, hoping it will come out on its own. The other 2 just have pips and look stuck. WHAT DO I DO? WILL THEY DIE?? I WANT TO HELP AS MINIMAL AS POSSIBLE SO THEY DON'T GROW WEAK.
I haven't ever hatched ducks so I don't know how different they are from chickens eggs but I refuse to watch a perfectly healthy chick go silent when stuck or shrink wrapped. I help them if it looks like they are NOT getting out. Last hatch I waited too late and the chick had already given up :( but I have helped two chicks out this summer hatching and they are both happy and healthy, they were shrink wrapped and would NOT have gotten out if I didn't help
So sorry I hope it's not too late for your ducks :( I didn't get back on last night. On the eggs that the chicks has already pipped through I "Unizipped" the egg part from them, if they were obviously shrink wrapped I very carefully and slowly peeled the lining off of them. If you see blood you have to stop, wrap a warm wet paper towel around the lining and give them longer, they don't have much blood so you can't just keep going or they'll bleed to death. I was trying to find the web post I used to get directions but can't :( After unzipping the egg portion I slowly unzip the inner portion if no blood, then put the chick back in the incubator and see if it can kick free. I have helped them off with the top half but NEVER pull the bottom half of the egg off of the chick, they must do that themselves in this house.
hatching and pipping are 2 diff things. hatching for ducks happen on day 28 after the first pip they may not move in the egg or do anything for the first 24 hrs or more. this is because they only pecked a hole to breathe. they are not ready to come out they are getting used to the outside air and waiting to absorb the rest of the yolk.
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I have hatched duck eggs before and they usually began hatching 9-15 hours after pipping. It's been almost 30 hours now
I had to assist a shrink wrapped duck before. It pipped then stopped. It is a slow process getting it out.
They are good. I had to help 2 eggs all the way out but the 3rd one came out by itself. It was very jagged though and wasnt a healthy zip. The duckling made a giant hole on one side and just pushed and pushed until the entire egg was broken. He's out though and healthy
They are good. I had to help 2 eggs all the way out but the 3rd one came out by itself. It was very jagged though and wasnt a healthy zip. The duckling made a giant hole on one side and just pushed and pushed until the entire egg was broken. He's out though and healthy

AWESOME!! I was hoping for good results!!

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