Duck eggs


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire, England
I have set 4 duck eggs under my broody chicken and have 12 in the incubator, Is there anything i need to do different compared to chicken eggs?

Is it right they go for 28 days instead .. The breeds are Khaki Campbells and Moscovy (Someone told me it was 23 and i read 28 which is right ??)
It's 28 days, and your broody will know what to do, even with duck eggs. As for the incubator, I use exactly the same parameters as chicken eggs with good success. Some folks like a higher humidity, but I have not had good luck with that. Some folks spritz the eggs daily and although I don't do it, I think it's a good idea and am planning to start. They like a very high humidity while hatching, and they take longer from pip to zip to hatch (mine take up to 48 hours from pipping to hatching).

The babies are cuter.

Good luck!
The Khaki Campbells are 28 days, I believe Muscovy eggs are 35 days.... perhaps someone else with more experience will correct me. Okay, found some info and I was right: Eggs from common ducks like Pekins require 28 days to hatch. Eggs from Muscovy ducks hatch in about 35 days after setting. (From: )

Here's another handy site with some information:
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