Duck farts & egg laying?


Oct 24, 2018
Albany, NY
Hi all,

I have two Rouens that I’ve had since they were a day or two old ducklings. I previously thought they were both male, but now I am not so sure. One of the ducks has been... well, farting lately. :rolleyes: This is my first time owning ducks, and I’ve followed along here on BYC with how to take care of them. So as I’ve never been around to see a duck lay an egg before, I was wondering if the duck fart could actually be a sign that one is female as she is getting ready to lay an egg? I’m not even sure if they’re old enough for egg laying yet though... but that’s all I could think of other than just having a gassy duck who makes the noise without any poop coming out.

S/he is still eating and drinking and acting fine (and also pooping, the farts are not all the time,) but if for some reason I need a vet visit please let me know. :)
I don’t know that I’ve heard a duck fart. There is usually something coming out along with it.:lau But if your duck is eating and drinking ok, I wouldn’t be too concerned. What do you feed them by the way?
Hahaha yeah, there usually is poop coming out with it! That’s why I was surprised when I heard one duck fart not once, but twice with no poop to follow...

Right now they are eating non-medicated chick starter/grower, with some mealworms thrown in every now and then. I plan on letting them forage outside as well once I have their outdoor enclosure set up, which should be soon. I also read that green peas, corn, and bits of lettuce are okay, but haven't tried to feed those yet as I think I may need to buy some grit first? I'm still a little confused on that one. Good thing I joined BYC!
Never heard a duck poot with out something coming out at the same time. Op if you don’t have them outside yet so the can find their own grit get some chick grit for them then you can start adding other things you mentioned to their diet but they have to have grit to process it. Have you posted pics of your Rouens? Maybe we can help you with sex. How old are they? Hearing any quacking yet?
The first time I heard a broody duck fart/poop after sitting on her nest all day made me jump it was so loud. Then I laughed until I almost peed my pants!!
:gig...The worst is when I have company and we are sitting out back as they free range around us and they are farting around my company..:gig
Never heard a duck poot with out something coming out at the same time. Op if you don’t have them outside yet so the can find their own grit get some chick grit for them then you can start adding other things you mentioned to their diet but they have to have grit to process it. Have you posted pics of your Rouens? Maybe we can help you with sex. How old are they? Hearing any quacking yet?

They’re still fairly young, about 11-12 weeks. And I did post a picture of them in the “Male or Female Rouens?” thread.

And thank you! I thought they did need the grit before introducing other foods, so I will get some today or tomorrow. They will start living outside soon as well for their own foraging grit. :)

They are quacking but it’s rather soft.... almost like a muffled quack. I’m not sure if that’s because they are male or just haven’t developed their full quack yet. :)

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