Duck feed

@emma duck lover I can only tell you what works well for me. I feed mine at night as it gets them into their coop easier. My goal is to feed enough that their is some left in the morning. They will forage and munch on the leftover feed throughout the day. It is usually gone by lunch time which works out well so that they are ready to come into the coop to eat at night. If I have too much feed down they don't get excited to coop up at night and can be a little naughty when we herd them in. :)
hiya i also feed at night to get them in i am just wondering how much 1 bird would eat as i have a red celebration tub (empty chocolate tub) i use and i fill it to the top
I have 23 ducks and one guinea keet that eat from three bowls. I give them a total of 6 scoops of feed, plus a bunch of greens from my garden each night. The greens are the equivelant of a head of romaine lettuce.

I am not sure how much feed each scoop holds. I use a container that I got mealworms in as my scoop. (recyle, reuse, reduce
) I belive it is about the same size as a large cottage cheese container.
my scoop hold 150g of feed and i put about 4 heaped scoops in and it fills it i have watched them feed to day from a full tub they ate over half and then had a drink and then went and layed down

they are out all day and i often spoil them with bread and weetabix veg and fruit they get this ^^ 3 times a week for the morning feed then there out till 6pm if weather is nice
I am new to the duck world myself, but if yours are free range and have access to free feeding.... I dont see how you could be not feeding them enough... I did not realize that ducks eat more than chickens, so I was really glad to find that out in a post higher up.
hiyya all i am new to this
but i have a question

i was accused of not feeding my ducks enough they are free range from 8am to 6pm and they have feed they are on mixed corn and rolled barley i give them a celebration tub full of the food mixed for 10 cayuga x ayalsbury is that enough for them

Are they foraging much while they are free ranging? My ducks eat EVERYTHING in site (even my new palm trees) so they aren't terribly interested in there food at the end of the day, but they will eventually eat it. I don't think there's a correct amount as there are sooo many variables, but I would watch there behavior. If they rush the tub then maybe feed them a bit more, if not, then your probably about right.
the ducks are now fully grown laying very well
they wasnt rushish to there food and gobbling it streight away they would just go and have a nibble

i have upgraded there food trays now as i have muscovy ducks aswell now
they now eat out of 2 large plastic trays that get half full every day and still they are not gobbling
the ducks are now fully grown laying very well
they wasnt rushish to there food and gobbling it streight away they would just go and have a nibble

i have upgraded there food trays now as i have muscovy ducks aswell now
they now eat out of 2 large plastic trays that get half full every day and still they are not gobbling

Then it sounds like they are foraging enough to keep there belly's full and I would keep on with what your doing. That's my 2 cents!

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