Duck gets picked on


Jun 1, 2020
Friends, I'm a new mother ducker and I have 4 cayuga and 3 khaki campbells. I was silly enough to get a straight run rather than all females and this may be part of my problem. I have one khaki campbell that is getting picked on. It is the smallest of the group as well. They seem to be picking on the wings the most. I've attached a couple pictures and hopefully that will help! Thanks in advance!


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This is true, they are a month old and getting their feathers in! But, I've seen this one get picked on by multiple ducks to the point it was bleeding earlier. Plus this is the only duck of the 7 that has those exposed quills (not sure what they're called), the rest have their feathers coming in nicely.
Welcome to BYC! And nice username 😂

But yeah, just looks like new feathers. Watch and see if others are hurting her.
Sometimes they'll bleed a bit when coming in
This is true, they are a month old and getting their feathers in! But, I've seen this one get picked on by multiple ducks to the point it was bleeding earlier. Plus this is the only duck of the 7 that has those exposed quills (not sure what they're called), the rest have their feathers coming in nicely.
Does she hang out with all of them? If not I would separate her with one of her siblings!

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