Duck getting picked on by fellow females


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2020
We have 3 female Indian Runner Ducks and the smallest of the three has a bunch of feathers missing. We think the other two are pecking at her. I’m assuming we should try and separate them, but not sure for how long and how she will do by herself without another duck. We have had unusually cold weather in Kentucky and I’m not sure if this is causing them stress.
I'd definitely take some time to observe the ducks to see what is actually happening before separating.
@Banana01 is correct. Females display mating behaviors and that could be why feathers are missing. Also, it's usually recommended not to separate and to let them work things out unless there is excesive aggression.
How bad is the feather picking? Does she have raw flesh exposed? I had an issue with a female pulling feathers on another female and it took me a long time to understand because I never witnessed it.
A nice size dog crate in the coop should keep her from being picked on.
Separating her during the day and putting her in with them at night may just make things worse for her.
You suggested this for me and it worked fabulously, at one point i put the lone offender in there, seemed to turn the tables on my situation.
My all female flock pulls feathers on each other during mating behaviors. I just let them do it. They occasionally behave very rude and possessively over resources like water/food/me and so I put out extra food bowls and water buckets. Unless someone is getting injured, which has never happened for me, I leave them together.

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