Duck Hatching Eggs Not Popular?


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
So I've been roaming the eBay hatching eggs section, and am noting that auctions with duck hatching eggs are either not selling or selling incredibly low. I bookmarked an auction with some very nice Ancona duck hatching eggs, forgot about it, and saw that it ended for $2.50, plus $15 for shipping. That is honestly, a little shocking!

I just did a search for completed listings (sold and unsold) for duck hatching eggs, and keep seeing the same trend. I don't see the same thing happening with chicken and turkey hatching eggs.

I guess if you want duck eggs for cheap, now is the time. I know I've had 100% fertility with my Magpie ducks, and just listed their hatching eggs on eBay a few days ago. They may sell...for $0.99, where I started the auction, as I have a single bidder.

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