Duck help

Ok thanks for all of your help so far ill find something for them and hopefully they'll stop fighting. Also do you think I should put them in different spots in the yard like far away or in the same area?
Ok thanks for all of your help so far ill find something for them and hopefully they'll stop fighting. Also do you think I should put them in different spots in the yard like far away or in the same area?
I wouldn't put the new water feature close to the other one or the 2 bullies will probably take over both. I hope eventually they will calm down.. I think once fall gets here hormones will be waning and you'll notice things much quieter. I hope so anyway. We had another poster that has only drakes and one of her's beating up another one and I suggested she remove him completely from the group for at least a week, hopefully when she puts him back he'll be low man on the totem pole and won't be such a bully. you just have to try different things till you come up with something that works. Sometimes solitary confinement is the last hope for peace.
Okay thanks for all of your advice miss Lydia!:) I'll answer back after I try a new water feature out.:D Hopefully it work and all will be good!
Okay thanks for all of your advice miss Lydia!
I'll answer back after I try a new water feature out.
Hopefully it work and all will be good!
Sounds good look forward to hearing from you.
Sorry this has taken me so long, with school it had been hard but I finally made the other ducks a pool and they love it! It works great and now they all swim happily! Thank you for all of your help to make me and my ducks happy!:D

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