Duck hen in crisis. Paralysis, panting, overheating


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
I just found my white created duck hen laying on the ground with her legs stuck flat out behind her. She can’t move, is very thin, panting and shaking. Symptoms came on very suddenly, as of this afternoon. She didn’t even try to run when I came up to her, and she is typically very flighty, and I can not catch her without an effort. She is alert, but can not move or bend her legs.
Could it be egg binding?? I know that can cause paralysis in some cases. I don’t see any other symptoms.
Her beak is very hot and she is panting, but it’s definitely not warm enough for heat exhaustion. It’s been 60* all day. Thoughts? She’s probably 4 years old. I’ve never seen this before. Thank you so much for any assistance.


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@Wyorp Rock @azygous

She can control her neck, and I can’t think of anything toxic she could have gotten into. She does not have control over her legs. Video coming. I feed Kalmbach All Flock 20% protein feed. I’m going to separate her, and see if I can get her cooked down. I do have a drake, and she lives with 4 other hens. He is not known to be extremely aggressive, or to cause serious damage. I don’t have a pond.
Have you tried letting her swim in the tub? I believe I remembered people using tums for egg bound ducks or chickens but not sure if they made them into a liquid fist. As far as being thin, if she survives this I'd deworm the whole flock. We deworm twice a year with Pour on Ivermectin for Cattle. A medium sized bird is 6 drops on the skin. I use a syringe and put one drop under each wing, one drop about an inch away from the vent on each size and 2 drops at the base of the neck. We deworm as they go into the coop for the night because you don't want them to swim for 8 hours. It makes a big difference in the birds. It's easiest to use two panels of a plastic puppy pen to herd them into and then close the side. It helps to have somebody hold while you apply the Ivermectin. Get a syringe for about every 2 birds because they start to stuck and make it hard to apply the right amount.
Update: she is already improving. I just went out to attempt giving calcium citrate for a third time to no avail. She had gotten her feet underneath her, and panted has subsided tremendously. She even tried to run away like a runner duck, which she is not, while I was holding her. She was able to walk when I was supporting her upper body. I’m making some scrambled eggs to put the calcium on top of since she refused to take it in any shape or form in her beak. Setting her up in a puppy one in the corner of the coop, and hopefully she’ll continue to improve. I think that obturator paralysis is our culprit, since symptoms came on so suddenly and are diminishing so quickly.
I'm sorry about your Duck.
I don't know much about them. I'll tag in @Miss Lydia @Quatie @HollowOfWisps

If she's trying to walk away like a Runner Duck, then I'd suspect she's having difficulty with an egg.
Do you have Calcium Citrate with D3 that you give your hens? If so, then I'd get a tablet into her now. See that she's staying hydrated.
I'm sorry about your Duck.
I don't know much about them. I'll tag in @Miss Lydia @Quatie @HollowOfWisps

If she's trying to walk away like a Runner Duck, then I'd suspect she's having difficulty with an egg.
Do you have Calcium Citrate with D3 that you give your hens? If so, then I'd get a tablet into her now. See that she's staying hydrated.
I made her some scrambled eggs and put the calcium on that, since trying to get calcium directly into her beak was not working in any way, shape or form. I do think it is egg related because of the sudden onset. Thanks for the tags, I couldn’t remember who to tag for ducks specifically. I’m going to go check on her in a moment, but I am encouraged by her improvement thus far.
That is great she is making good progress.

I would also recommend a luke warm bath. The water helps them pass the eggs. Ducks will even seek out water themselves to help pass an egg. If she is having mobility issues, you don't want to make the water too deep.

You can also put lube in her vent to help aid the passing of the egg.

Hopefully she keeps making good progress

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