Duck hit by truck


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 7, 2014
Good morning. I am new to posting here. I currently have 6 pekin ducks. I have had a total of 10 since I began raising ducks. My ducks are free range most of the year. We live next to a creek, which they enjoy all Summer and Fall, but it becomes to dangerous for them in the Winter. Recently 3 of my ducks were hit by a speeding truck, which didn't even stop to see what he hit. 2 died instantly. 1 has survived with many injuries. We have been caring for her and she is really doing well. I am thankful for this site because I often look here for helpful hints for raising my ducks, and I love to read your stories as well. I learned on here about the Vetericyn spray, which I have been using with my injured duck. Within 24 hours I saw major improvements in her wounds. She has an eye injury, which we were cleaning with simple saline solution, but the Vetericyn spray has really done wonders! I love my ducks, the bring me so much joy! Thank you for sharing what you know!

Welcome to BYC!

Oh, that is awful!! Some people are just horrible when it comes to running animals over. I am sorry you lost your babies. But I am glad that one of them did survive and you were able to find help here on BYC! This is the place to be when you own poultry.

Have you stopped by our Ducks section yet? You can share stories, pics, ask questions and chat with other duck owners...

I hope your duck continues to heal. And we do welcome you to our flock!
Aw! Thanks! Yes, I spend hours reading post about everyone's ducks! It's great! Lots of ideas and information to learn! Thank you for the nice welcome!
It's funny you mention the fox. We have had our ducks for 2 years, the fox comes to the creek and scoops the duck eggs out of the water (our ducks aren't very maternal, and drop their eggs whereever, in the water too) and the fox eats the eggs. While our ducks are with in feet of him quacking their heads off! The fox looks at them like, leave me alone, I'm trying to eat!! Lol. We also have mink, snapping turtles...the ducks get right up to them and quack like crazy! It amazes us! They are like guard ducks!
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Here they are quacking at the mink...a little hard to see, but it is to the left of the ducks. Its black. Even the mink looks at them as if to say, leave me alone I'm trying to find food! I don't know if its the size of the flock or what, just strange!
My injured duck is bathing! She hasn't preened herself since she was hit last week! So glad to see her in her tub!

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