I have 3 ducks in a dog kennel 10X12-it stays a sloppy muddy mess- they get to free range all day. DH wants to put smooth rock in the kennel for cleanliness- but I think that would hurt their footies- I rake it out once a week or every 10 days . i hve been putting shavings in the pen but hey are gone by the end of a week.THye have a waterer, a kiddie pool and a feeder as welll as a dog house in there. They are a khaki campbell and 2 khaki/mallard crosses.I am getting 2 ducklings this weeken- will this pen be too small for all 5 when they are grown? As I said they do free range during hte day. We have another Kennel that is 10X20- but it has a cement floor- and a dog in it-LOL