Duck Hutches

That is half of the ducklings. There was about 15 chicks in there. They were dorkings and Swedish flower hens. The duck breeds in there are Cayuga, Duclair, Welsh Harlequin and Saxony. We had about twenty five chicks and ducks in there so it is a bit messy. They are now in a spacey brooder in our garage. And we had another batch of ducks ( Anacona )and chicks ( Americana's and Salmon Favorolles ) that I ordered. And then I have a pair of toulouse goslings arriving in April.
Around 5sqft per duck.
Isaac, what do you recommend for a run? We’re trying to figure out how big to make their run.
Do you keep their food in the coop? We live in Michigan, so we know that we will need a heated bowl for winter. We’re trying to figure out how big to make their run.

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