Duck incubation question, several different breeds... help please!


11 Years
Oct 23, 2008
Lapeer, MI
I am incubating some duck eggs for the first time. I have searched and can't find exactly what I'm looking for. I have these breeds in the incubator:

and some mixed breeds

It seems like the mixed breed duck eggs are developing at a greater rate than the purebred. I've read that duck eggs can incubate 21 days or 28 days for different breeds. I'm getting pretty concerned and am wondering if I should seperate the eggs into different incubators due to their development.

Is there anyone that can help? I don't want to loose any babies if they start to hatch and aren't in lockdown :(

21 days would be on April 19th and I seriously think that is going to be hatch day for some.

Nobody ???

Just had my first hatch born last weekend, 28 days for my ducks. I put in my chicken eggs a week after the ducks and they all hatched together.
sometimes they seem to grow pretty quickly..but it's 28 days. i have had them hatch a couple days later or maybe pip a day or two sooner..but hatch day is 28 days pretty much
I agree, 28 days for all duck breeds minus muscovy, which take 35 days.

Even if you have some that seem to grow faster, they tend to hatch all together (unless they were put in the incubator at different times, thus allowing some to develop first and a few days ahead of the rest). But when hatching time comes, don't throw out any eggs if they don't hatch right off. Sometimes you will get a late bloomer that just needs some extra time to come out of the shell
I just got home from the store and today is day 21. I had put the three that looked way more developed into a different incubator along with two chicken eggs that were due to hatch. So these 5 were in lockdown when I came home today. OMG!!!!! The three duck eggs are pipped and one is almost out, the two chicken eggs nothing yet. THESE BABIES ARE HATCHING ON DAY 21. Sorry, I am frantic. I have a whole other incubator full of duck and turkey eggs that were still rotating and not in lockdown. Well, needless to say I started checking out those duck eggs and found one almost completely hatched and still on the turner. OMG. I have frantically put this incubator in lockdown (hoping this won't hurt my turkey eggs in there) and am praying that these babies will be ok. I imagine some may hatch early (day 21) and some may hatch at the normal 28 days.

PLLLLLEEEASE keep your fingers crossed for me!


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