Duck injured and in severe shock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Lancaster, PA
Tonight my terrier managed to sneak outside and break into my duck and chickens enclosure. Tulipo is a 12 week old blue Swedish. Fortunately, I think he submitted when my terrier went for the attack. The only wound I can find is a small puncture by his ear, and it has barely bled.

But it has been two hours since the attack and he is still in complete shock. I have him loosely wrapped in a towel on my lap. I've gotten him to drink a bit of water and even some pedialyte mixed with water because I read it can help. I have been trying to just keep him warm and let him rest, but I'm so worried about losing my baby... He hasn't stood up once :( He has been sleeping a lot, and sometimes making a whistle kind of noise with his nostrils? His breathing has been kind of quick as well, and a little wheezy

How can I help him get out of this terrible shock? Any advice or good thoughts would be so greatly appreciated
Shortly after we put our 5 2 month old Pekins in the pen, one of our Italian Greyhounds decided they were fair game.
4 of them were seriously injured ... huge gaping holes in their back, blood all over.
We called our vet (who very quickly advised us she does not work on birds ... but would try to help.) She stitched up the wounds and we isolated the injured ducks indoors for about 3 weeks while they healed.

Needless to say they were in DEEP shock and very traumatized. They all recovered nicely and soon were back to normal in their NEWLY FENCED RUN.

Here are the important things about their recovery:

1. They MUST be isolated and quiet. The biggest fear while healing are flys. Once maggots get into the open wound they can literally eat the duck from the inside out.

2. Our vet had us pour a topical antibiotic on the wounds 2x a day to ensure no infection.

3. We also gave them an oral antibiotic daily. (overkill but glad we did it)

So, the best advice I can give you is to be diligent about keeping the injured animal isolated and in a fly-free environment, and to treat the wound with some topical antibiotics. Keep the injured animal as quiet as possible and do not further traumatize her by holding, petting etc. She needs to recover her feeling of security without feeling threatened. Give her all the help she needs to know she is safe.

The trauma and shock will pass. Today (over a year later), our ducks are active, normal and aggressive. If the offending dog comes near the fence, They run over to it, honking loudly and trying to nip her with their beak.
A raccoon got into what I thought was a predator proof crate. It ate one of our 6 pet ducks. The 5 survivors didn't quack for two days. They just hid. Since we pick them up and pet them all the time it was clear they were in shock. Just give him/her time. They will be ok. Antibiotic ointment and treats. Ive since moved their crate in my basement. So my ducks sleep in my house....they have a fenced run....
Thank you all for the help. He's doing better now, still won't eat or walk around, but he can hold up his own head at least :( Keeping a close eye on him and keeping him indoors. His best chicken friend is really missing him.
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I hope he feels better soon! The tragedy in our quack shack was about a month ago. Everything is back to normal but it was a humbling experience.
He's doing a lot better! Still not back to normal, but he is getting there. A vet friend told us to give him a honey bandage and it's working well. Thank you all for the good thoughts :)

Night of the attack:

Thank you. Unfortunately I have bad news, and I'm not sure what to do... I thought he was seeming really good, so I took him into the pool today. He was overjoyed! But seeing him move around more and preening, I noticed I missed a spot when checking for wounds :( He seems to have a pretty messed up back, no deep bites, but definitely some scrapes. It looks really sore, and I think there might be pus. There is also a weird bump, doesn't really look like an abscess, it is a centimeter tall and the colour of his skin... There's a feather coming out of it. I am very worried :( Do I need to take him to a vet? I am not sure what to do, I can't believe I missed this.
Try a warm bath and putting neosporin on it twice a day. Warm compresses will draw the infection out. I called the vet about my pekins wounds. If you're in doubt take him or at least call and see what they advise. Ive worked large animals as a vet tech.

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