Duck injured by mink--not breathing well


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Two weeks ago, a small mink (trapped later) killed 10 of our chickens and 2 ducks. A Welsh Harlequin--Athena-- was badly hurt with some kind of neurological damage--two bite marks on her neck and she cannot straighten her neck. I was able to get her to a vet 4 days after and b/c she kept flipping onto her back, leg(s) moving I thought the vet would euthanize her. I was overjoyed when she said that she thought there was hope though rehab would take months b/c of nerve damage. She gave me antibiotics and Kaytee exact. A couple of days ago I got a prescription for meloxicam b/c I thought that would help her relax a bit.She has been in a heated entryway, in a plastic crate since the injury. I put her in the bathtub 2ce a day. At first, she got around well in the water, drank water but back in the crate would flip herself over, no matter how I placed the towels. Now she flips herself over even when in the tub, usually rights herself, but often it looks like she will drown. I have rigged up a kind of sling clipped to the sides of the crate, with holes for her legs so she is at least upright. Today she is much worse just keeps opening and closing her mouth and won't drink water. Her tongue is very pale. I'm holding her now wrapped in a towel. I'm afraid she is dying. Is there anything I can do for her?
I'm really sorry, :hugs can you post a video of her breathing? Sometimes open mouth breathing is a sign the dying process has started.
I am so sorry it does sound as though something serious is happening. I'd hold her and let her know you are there. I can't imagine what else you could do beside rush to vet emergency clinic.
I am so sorry, I know she was grateful to have your love and care and having you there with her.
I lost one of my Runner ducks last summer, she died in my arms very peacefully, I was so glad to have been with her and let her know she wasn't alone. Means a lot to us too.


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