Duck is sitting!!

Thank you so much for your reply! It was very helpful and hopefully I will be posting duckling pics soon. According your post however, it will probably be a week later than I thought since she was only sitting sometimes for the first few days. Gosh, what am I gonna do if a lot of these eggs are fertile
Well, I think my duck got bored with sitting there all the time and is no longer on the nest :(
I'll be collecting eggs for a while, as my mature drake has been separated out for a little while. Maybe once I put them back together we can get some ducklings :)
I have two Rouen ducks and they are 4 months 1 week old. They started mating at the age of 3 months old. Is that natural? Should my female start laying soon? Should I add a nesting box to be sure?:fl
I'm not an expert, but I advise you not to move the nest and make another one, research says ducks will choose their own places to make a nest, and if you make one for them they might not use it. but I'm not sure, it could work. All I know is that I've read somewhere that you should never disturb their nests and make ones for them. I think nesting boxes are fine though.:D
Ok maybe should I make a box but lay materials around for her to make the nest out of? I researched it and said it is affective!!! She seems to have a pouch starting between her legs...
Hello the past two days I've been letting my ducks eggs in their coop. today my mallard started to sit on the eggs. Was wondering if this is normal and if she'd hatch the eggs would the male kill them? He doesn't seem aggressive
Hello the past two days I've been letting my ducks eggs in their coop. today my mallard started to sit on the eggs. Was wondering if this is normal and if she'd hatch the eggs would the male kill them? He doesn't seem aggressive

I'd separate the drake when the eggs start to hatch. Keep and eye on her, not all ducks stay broody. Be prepared to have an incubator backup plan.
I have a weird question, so I have a female Rouen and female Khaki they both seem to want to be a mother. They both have been sitting on this one egg that is in the coop for hours and if one duck gets off of it the other duck sits on it this has been going on for a few weeks. I collect the eggs but feel bad it seems they both are desperate to become a mother. So call me crazy but I bought 3 fertilized duck eggs online I don't have a incubater and not going to run out to get one, my idea is to put the fertilized eggs in the nest and see what happens! So my question is has anyone tried this or have any idea if they will hatched???
My Call/mallard duck is finally sitting I think on 18 ages! She really has the nest built up and sometimes can barely see her in it. Was wondering when they hatch if i should get some chick feed and out that out for them or will she feed them?
Same as 3rd gen farmer. My female is sitting on eggs and now she's not getting off. Wonder how many days do they do this before eggs start to hatch.

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