duck layed a strange egg

Bird Worrier

6 Years
Dec 31, 2017
Tonight I found an egg in the duck's pool. Interesting place to lay an egg. Then to see that it has no shell. Any reactions?


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One of my older ducks layed an egg in the pool but only one time and it had a shell. I had a problem with shellless eggs too. I then started putting oyster shells out in a bowl but they'd knock it over and just make a mess so I took a clear 24 oz soda bottle and cut it off 1/2 way and drilled some holes in the bottom of it for drainage and wired it (using a couple more drilled holes at the top) right to my fence so the girls can eat the oyster shells when they want and as much as they need. I believe they instinctivly know how much to eat. It works great for them and me. Simple and free.

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