Duck lost its voice/quack?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 14, 2012
I have two 9 week old ducks one is a pekin and I'm unsure about the other, He is smaller, brown with slight green on his head and a emerald green/blue under his wing.

Tonight it seems the brown duck has suddenly lost his voice/quack. It's like a whisper. It can still eat/drink the same and it doesnt look like its in pain.

Has anyone else had this problem? Anything I should check?

Thankyou :)
Well, saying the duck lost its quack does not fit with this possible reason, but most ducks that reach maturity and whisper instead of quack are drakes.

Was that the lovely brown duck you shared a photo of on another thread? It looked a bit like it had a greenish hood, another possible drake "symptom"
. It would be a while, I reckon, before you see a curly drake feather.
This always happens before a boy duck get it's quack. It voice will go really soft (always as if he had lost his voice) for a little while. Within a few weeks should get his full quack (which is still more raspy that the girls, but is a little louder)
omg i know this post was a long while ago but it just forreal helped me. i just found out my duck was a boy after calling him a girl all this time an for a week now i noticed his quack was going to a raspy wisper an i was forreal thinking the worst. he is the runt an has niacin so i have him inside. he not as big as the others an just now got his big duck feathers in at 4 almost 5 months. tysm im glad i found this before i started thinking the worse!

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