Duck not walking Additional Help needed!


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2019
My duck has improved so much energy wise but is still unable to walk. A month ago now I came on here to ask advice for my duck and the consensus was that my duck was niacin deficient because of his weakness and inward turned feet. I went and bought two different kinds of vitamin supplemented food crumbles, vitamin nutridrench to add to the water and bought higher quality of food. I have used all alternately and have seen a great improvement in his energy and attitude since then, but he still cant walk. I have a pond and try to encourage it to swim to exercise its legs multiple times everyday but still not much improvement. I'm at my wits end. There aren't vets who accept ducks near me and Ive done all I know to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Will he ever walk again?
1. What country are you in?
2. You mention 2 kinds of food, what are they?
3. You mention vitamin supplemented food, are you adding vitamins to the food yourself or is this just a special food? If you are adding vitamins other than the nutridrench, what are you adding?
4. You mention that you had asked for help on the forum before and a possible niacin deficiency, have you giving your duck B complex at all? If you have, what kinda and what dose?
I live in the USA but am in a rural part. We have called around but the vets around here wont help because they only work on dogs and cats. I will list products used and I have followed directions on their packages.
Original feed was Country Feeds for Ducks
New feed purchased was Dumor Poultry for growing/finishing ducks
Things I added to food was nature's best organic duck crumbles and rooster booster brand poultry booster pellets both of which have both vitamin b and niacin.
I also added nutri-drench to the water and directly in his mouth at first.
Thank you


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