Duck on duck crime

It's not that hard. If you have a secure run just fence it into thirds. The annoying part is water and food dishes for everyone.
There was a magical day last August, where harmony was restored. (Roscoe started chasing people for a few weeks but didn't bite or anything.)
I've read that if you keep them in a dark coop their hormones will be less and they'll get along.
That’s very interesting because the last couple days I’ve let everyone stay together in the coop at night because it’s been so cold (in the teens) and the heat lamps are in there. This didn’t last long. The turkeys aren’t the best house guests and think they can take over the coop, so they are back outside. But the ducks were in there too.
Earl was looking pretty good today so I took him out of isolation to play with everyone. His buddies tried to beat him up again so I put up a little fence inside the run and put the criminals in there. They have a dogloo with straw, water and food. It should work for a while I think. At least everyone is safe for the time being and Earl doesn’t have to be all by himself.
Sorry about your boys :( it's just normal male bird behavior.
Also I see that you have a hen mixed in with your drakes. A drake can kill a hen if he mates with her, so I suggest having the drakes and chickens separate.

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