Duck or Drake?


8 Years
Aug 25, 2011

Is this baby a duck or a drake???

Also I am trying to introduce this duck (about 3 months) to some littler ducks (about 4 wks), but the 3 littler ducks seem to torment him/her by nipping at his/her rear. Any suggestions on how to get one big happy ducky family?
Well if that is a Welsh Harlequin like I think it is, I am going to say girl. I believe that the girls have the dark bills nad the boys would have the litter bill. Anyway introducing will be hard since the three younger ones have made their flock already. They are already an astablished group even at that young age. What I did when I introduce older duckilings and newer ducklings, I put them side by side where they can see each other but not touch. A fence or I used plexy glass lol! It worked well. After about a week I let them free range outside together because it is a nutral location. Then see how it goes if the little ones except her then they can sleep together that night, and you shouldnt have any trouble after that.
You could try putting your most mellow youngster in with the new kid and let them bond for a few days to a week. Then put the two in with the rest. Introducing a lone bird into a flock is always a challenge.
It is driving me quackers because so far i've posted the pic in 2 places and 2 people think it's a duck and 2 people think it's a drake!

I might just have to wait and see if eggs start coming out!
By three weeks, my runner girls were changing voice from peep peep to peeephonk, then soon to ah AH ah ah and WAK! Apparently drakes just whisper and mumble and chirp a little.

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