Duck Pipping and I'm Panicking Update and Pic


11 Years
Jul 6, 2008
Central Oregon
Yesterday when I got home from work I noticed one of my blue swedish crested duck eggs had pipped 2 days early. There has been a very small change in the pip over night but the duckling is still active and noisey. No other pips on the remaining 6 eggs. I have to leave for work in a few minutes and am totally freaking out. I can't go away and leave my babies!!! I am also worried about the ones that haven't pipped. Why is this one early? Are the rest still ok?

Update: After 44 hours he is out!!! YEAH!!!! Seems to be doing well - just waiting on some brothers and sisters (we hope). 6 eggs to go and no more pips yet.

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Hi! I'm new to hatching this year but have done several broods already. I had a couple of "surprises" with my turkeys coming early.

I would suggest if you have a hatcher set up, put the pipped egg in there and as long as the peep can breathe it will be OK.
Two of my turkeys hatched with the turner in and on.

Put all of them into what I call "hatch mode" now -- turner out if you have one and let them do their thing. The early one can hang out with the eggs until some others hatch.

good luck!
It's been about 24 hours since it pipped and it's still not out yet!!!! Still moving and making tiny progress. This is making me crazy and now I am going back to work.
Since this egg did pip early, it may take until the real due date to hatch. Just make sure your humidity is good, and try not to interfere, at least until after the due date arrives!
I have never hatched ducks I have helped many chicks out of eggs though. and the best thing you can do for earlies is to keep humidity up and most importantly of all at this point is KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT ! do what needs to be done and then keep your hands off that egg it just needs time at this point. do not be tempted to help yet.

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