Duck Pool Heater Alternatives?

Can you use aquarium heaters outside? We have a patio pond with 3 goldfish and I've been looking for something to keep it from freezing over when it gets really cold. We used to bring the fish inside in the winter but they have gotten so big.
Would be nice to find something I could just get 2 of to keep the ducks and the fish thawed this winter :)
Walmart has cheapy cheap aquarium heaters that are preset at 20 degrees that sre fully submersible. 15$ or something
I have a 50 gallon horse trough I use for there pond can I use the heating rod that is made for it or will it become too hot for the ducks if they touch the rod
You'll only need to heat less than half the year. If they happen to touch the heater, they won't touch it again. The first time you burned yourself on a stove, you quickly learned not to touch it again.
you do not have to heat the ducks' water.
when I had ducks and geese, they would swim
in a broken hole in the ice on the pond..
remember, the water never gets below freezing despite how cold it is around it..

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