Duck Pop Door Dimensions


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
Reelsville, Indiana
I've searched google and the BYC forums and have been unable to find the answer I'm looking for - hoping someone can help me out. I'm about to finish my duck coop and I need to know how big to make the pop door. Does it really matter how big the door is? The coop is built from pallets and I was thinking of making it half the size of a pallet (picture it laying horizontally on its side) and fairly wide. Would this work?
I think mine's only 10"x10" and it's fine for my medium-sized campbells.
In a cold climate a big door could be a liability, depending on whether you keep it open or not and how air tight it is.
Thanks! And if you don't mind - how tall is your housing for your ducks? I read somewhere (I think Storey's Guide) the walls had to be at least 4 feet tall, but was curious if it was okay to go 3 feet.
I have a wooden dog house for the duck house (I made the top hinged so I can have access to the inside) so their door is a doggie door size that I put a piece of wood on (hinged, so I can open and close the door). I wouldn't make it big at all. As cosbackyard mentioned, it could be a liability if you live in a cold area.
3' would be fine. Most ducks don't need roost bars. Mine would just stare at one.
I have 44" in the front and 36" in the back. More than enough height. In fact I have a split-level design on the inside so the chickens have a place above the ducks.

Here's a pic of the coop. Still working on the trim and paint. The ducks don't love the ramp but they use it.

My ducks roost with the chickens,lol. I've been meaning to make a duck box. Daffy was acting weird today like he was trying to find a nest for Daphne,maybe she's getting ready to lay an egg. I've been meaning to make one out of pallets, but it was big for the space I wanted to put it in. I have a garden house made from a goat barn. They hang out in what was the tool section that was 2alled off from the rest of the building. Sour I custom made the box the width of that space, 30" wide, 30" deep, 28" high, made from materials I had and scavenged from a house remodel. Getting ready to put a doorway on. I was wondering about the opening too. I'm thinking a 12 by 12. After all its their nest. I'm just hoping they take to it.

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