Duck quacks 24/7

Yard Rat

10 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My 5 week old duckling quacks 24/7 since i got her shes with another duck hes fine why is she doing this?
Some ducks just quack a lot. It is possible she is missing someone back where you got her from and trying to call to them. It is possible she is distressed from the change in environment and needs to time to feel comfortable.

Also, I have ducks that also that seem to like the sound of their own voice. Some ducks are just super chatty. It is possible she is just super talkative.
I agree there are many possibilities. I had someone drop off some Easter Rouens they got for the kids, but didn't want to build a coop for. The hen was around the same age and would not shut up. I love my ducks, but that hen drove me borderline mad until she suddenly stopped quaking 24/7 when she turned 1😅
My Swedish girl is loud she is 2 months old and with her 2 brothers
I got them at a day old
They are also with my other group of ducks
My other girls are very quiet. Once in awhile I get some quacks but usually pretty good
I think some ducks are just more loud then others
How old is she ? When did you get her ?

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