Duck Run Flooring (need some help deciding)


Aug 8, 2018
Canada, Vancouver
Hey! So, today the weather was quite bad in Vancouver and the duck run was getting really muddy to the point where there are puddles within the run. I need help deciding on a good drainage flooring like sand or pea gravel but wont freeze during the winter. :barnie We are slowly working on the roof however there are still gaps. Any suggestions for the floorring? Its for the duckies, just a heads up.
Hey! So, today the weather was quite bad in Vancouver and the duck run was getting really muddy to the point where there are puddles within the run. I need help deciding on a good drainage flooring like sand or pea gravel but wont freeze during the winter. :barnie We are slowly working on the roof however there are still gaps. Any suggestions for the floorring? Its for the duckies, just a heads up.
We used 2 pallets and put a single sheet of plywood over them. Works great for us! Pallets are free and you might could go to a construction site and pick up enough pieces of board or plywood to piece something together for over the pallets.
I still always use chopped straw. I know others have said they had probs, but it has NEVER done anything bad for me. Periodically, I shovel it out, and replace. The material I remove becomes the compost pile, and works just wonderfully, to fertilize my trees and plants.

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