Duck started laying. I got 1 egg, then no more ?


10 Years
Jan 23, 2010
Berry Creek, Ca
I have a 23 week old khaki campbell pair and a buff hen. The other day I found an odd little 'nest' I would call it. Went in the coop and looked around. I found 1 egg in one of the narrow holes they've been digging around the water container. Its definately a duck egg!

I know I know! Many different reasons for drop in egg laying but after only ONE egg!!

I'm wondering if somethings getting my eggs!! It has also been hotter the last few days (in the low 90's up from the 80's) AND we were having a bear problem last weekend. So maybe stress lately?

I only got 1 egg so far though. This is my first time with ducks coming into lay so I'm a little confused on whats happening.

Thoughts please!!

Here's the tiny little egg.

With my chicken eggs! I have no white layers so I'm sure its not a chicken egg. Plus the texture was way off.
Very awesome! I wish my ancona and my rouen wuold start to lay soon. How old are your girls? And what breed, where did you get them?. Sorry just wondering.
but whatever is up with your duck- has also effected my daughters chickens. We got one egg about a month ago from a wyandotte and maybe a dozen from her bantam anconas - and then nothing. I was happy they were finally no longer freeloaders- but the joy of the first egg was short lived. Of course we are still experiencing the tail end of winter here- and I am hoping that spring will see them laying more often again.

It could be stress- the heat- or just the duck needs more time to get her body into a " good laying rhythm" for want of better words. I havent had khaki's for many years- but mine were great little egg machines. Hope you start to see some more regular eggs soon.
Is it before you've had your first cup of coffee, crazy cat lady?

It's just a smidge on the early side for eggs, your duck is getting her body ready to go into production.

I'm sorry to hear it isn't awesome to get a duck egg. You have my sympathy. Duckgirl just made a mistake. Most people are happy to get that first egg and she assumed you'd be happy about it, too.
Did you even READ it?? FIRST sentence..
I have a 23 week old khaki campbell pair and a buff hen.


Also not getting any eggs is NOT awesome.​

Yes I did read it sorry again I forgot, I forget alot of stuff, sorry.

And I said awesome cuz you got a egg lol.
And, im sorry I just thought you would be happy to get at leased one egg. I know I would be. Like oragan blues said they are getting ready to lay. Sorry again.
I have a buff/orpington drake and hen and they are about 5 months old now and they have been mating alot but still no eggs
Sorry you havent gotten anymore eggs Im new to ducks and still learning to see the signs.. although my hen has been acting like maybe she wants to lay.. Im getting ready to put up their own coop as I have seen may times on websites all around that ducks perfer to lay away from the chickens and maybe my chicks are stressing her out Im not sure lol
hope you get some more eggs soon!
Oregon Blues: So its normal for ducks to lay 1 egg, and stop for a week++?? Thats just her readying herself? So the egg was a fluke so to speak. Also I work nights, no morning coffee. More like midnight coffee and a morning nap.

The first egg was exciting.. The next week of nothing was a real downer therefore I am not excited. I thought it would be like my chickens. Start laying and lay daily (or close to it!) not test the waters with the egg laying!

Good to know I'm also not the only one with free loaders!

Mother_hen: My drake was mounting the girls probably for the last month or so..
He's also really protective of them over the past week and when they're out with me he gives me this funny look and is always in between me and his ladies. He also tells me they're his, constantly! Its pretty cute I gotta say! He's the only one doing their job so far!!

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