Duck Struggling to Walk


5 Years
Mar 12, 2016
East Tennessee
You might know me from another thread here called "PEKIN DUCK CAN'T STAND" or not. Lily, a 2-year-old female Pekin duck, has had issues in the past few months limping. In April, after limping for a while, she refused to walk and it took 3-4 weeks for her to recover and get back on her feet. Since then, her limp has gotten somewhat better, but just yesterday I noticed it is much worse to the extent that she is in no hurry to move... She can move, I've pulled her off the ground and made her move a couple times before she initially sits down again. She doesn't have bumble foot or an open wound, just a small cut healing over. It may be a phase, but it's always makes me concerned...

In February, one of my ducks was euthanized due to the terrible fractures and dislocations the drake made from mating. All of the girls were put through it, and I'm very glad I made the wise decision to move him out. Lily was one of the females picked on the most, and it makes me think that the drake caused not only these leg issues, but the sudden "angel wing" on her that has stuck ever since. After all, the euthanized duck was suffering from a dislocated hip and a fractured leg that caused her immobility. Who knows, maybe she sprained her leg and it'll be over soon.

I would like to know from you guys what you think. What should I do for her? What can I give her? What could be the issue?
Thank you for reading.
What's surprising is that she's smaller than the other Pekin. When I went to the barn this morning to let them into their yard, she could move slightly better (she had the will to escape her fenced off area, get outside, and dodge a prancing rabbit). What I've noticed today is that she was panting (a sign of pain), but stopped after a minute when I put her in their kiddie pool. Maybe she was hot, maybe not.

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