Duck Vent problem


Jun 9, 2020
I have a duck that lays very large eggs, for months now we have had a problem with her vent. It always gets covered in poo and once you soak her and clean her up there is lots of hard poo around her vent and and what looks like white dead flesh??

Her vent also is swollen out which is why the poo gets stuck to it. I dont think its a prolapse the vent itself just look super swollen and puckered out. Her eggs are always bloody and have lots of calcium bumps on them.

I thought maybe the calcium bumps were causing a irriation which is causing the swollen vent and blood? They are given oyster shells in a seperate container.
Any thoughts on how to stop the calcium bumps? or on her vent in general?

Thank you!!!!
Have you tried Prep H on her flesh around her vent? or hydrocortisone cream or ointment? it is supposed to help with getting swelling down. As for the calcium deposits, some of my chickens and ducks do have them on their egg from time to time. I don't do anything about them.

If you can post some pictures that would help.

Here is some info
Hi. I did try some canestan today, but maybe prep H would be better. I thought maybe it was some type of vent gleet.

The calcium deposits are not like the others that randomly get it her eggs are fully covered and very rough every time. I’ll post a photo tomorrow maybe that will help :)

Thank you!

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