Duck with Bumblefoot

Hey I was wondering how everyone's treatment is going? My drake Cobra has 2 big bumbles, one on each foot in the middle of his middle toe. I am trying to treat him but he is a wild mallard so he's not very cooperative... My mum got some clear iodine for me but I'm not sure if it is the right stuff (0.5% I think). We put it on his feet about a week ago and today the bumbles looked smaller but not black. So we put more clear iodine on the bumbles I hope they continue to shrink and get away eventually without Cobra getting too much traumatized. I have pictures but can't upload them from this device
Hey I was wondering how everyone's treatment is going? My drake Cobra has 2 big bumbles, one on each foot in the middle of his middle toe. I am trying to treat him but he is a wild mallard so he's not very cooperative... My mum got some clear iodine for me but I'm not sure if it is the right stuff (0.5% I think). We put it on his feet about a week ago and today the bumbles looked smaller but not black. So we put more clear iodine on the bumbles I hope they continue to shrink and get away eventually without Cobra getting too much traumatized. I have pictures but can't upload them from this device


Sounds like you are doing as well by Cobra as he's letting you. Keep up the good work!
I am not an expert by any means, but the bumble on my duck's foot was a but smaller. It looks like maybe in addition to the iodine you might want to soak and try getting that scab off and getting the gunk out. I was surprised by what came out and it seems to be healing well at this point.
But how do you get the gunk out? I was thinking of applying iodine for now and see if that works. Cobra was really upset when I soaked him on day one and he'd have a big wound if I squeezed it all out. And he'd probably hate me :(

Great your duck is healing well!
We soaked for 20minutes in Epsom salts and did iodine twice several days apart. Then the third time we soaked, the scab was loose and we pulled it off and scraped the goo out with tweezers. Then iodined inside and put antibiotic ointment in it. It was getting smaller but didn't really seem to start healing well until the gunk was out. She is a tamer duck, though. Not sure how it would work with one that was hard to handle. And definitely a two person job.
How do you all catch your ducks? Mine go wild when I try to pick them up. I can get close to them, they will eat from my hand, but they will not let me pick them up for the lives of them. I have had to do it twice, and I wrapped them in a towel, but I feel the risk of them flapping around and running into the fence may be worse than the foot injury?

Fishing net. Works every time.
Most of mine were raised from day-olds, and I spent much time socializing them. Three of the most recent four are friendly enough to catch, and four of the flock are just not easy . . . I have the pens and fences set up so that I can corral them with not much effort.
Is this little spot bumblefoot? Look right at her "heel." There's a little sore. This comes a day after one of her sisters went to the vet for a limp that was a soft tissue injury. Her limp was better after medicine and this one was limping the next day. I think just coincidence. Thanks in advance!

I would look at that little dot to see if it is a splinter. And then put triple antibiotic without painkiller on the foot three times a day for a few weeks.

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